the Soul Crab takes over
Soul Searching
or the Arrested Cop
Crime pays, satisfies the soul somehow.
That yearning. An elemental surge
in ripping veins out from
under the skin
A cop jackknifed over the dumpster lip
digs an eight-foot wand
into the rectangular box.
He scatters tribes of crawlers.
Lodged in the far dark corner
A second quiet body sprays
scents attractive to
When their turns come up, visiting bugs,
worms and smaller, feed expertly
on skin, fluids, nerves,
heart and liver
Another guest arrives at the luncheon party
of busy diners foaming at the
delicacies sweet and sour. Presenting!
Mr. Soul Crab!
The soul crab shuttles between He-is
and He-was, to measure how their souls
are breathing. The cop’s soul
is strangling
The Crab makes an immediate judgment
(The word from the Crab Council to first
“If any spine’s unwinding, knit it.
If the heart is split, fill the crack.
If the soul is drying, water it.”)
In an instant the Mr. Soul Crab jumps in
He draws from the corpse a cylinder of soul,
empties it onto the Cop’s browned ulcerate Spirit,
which gasps and gulps in
bubbles, wintergreen, the Easter Bunny,
Miles, Switzerland
The lab smells like Pine-Sol and ammonia
The corpse, laid out on stainless tanning table,
In crab-scent, deep and sweet. His body
probed, tickled, its sweeter parts removed,
looks pocked like Minnesota, with its ten-thousand
A three-creature moment provides cream cake to
cut for the living and the dead, slabs to fill the
Our three Players ravage their slices. Faces wearing stray icing,
the Cop, the Pocked Man and the Soul Crab
bring a sticky finger to their lips.
© 2013 Patrick Calhoun 29205
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