
Birds, feet, trends, individuals,the devout-- many migrate. many make pilgrimage, even if only to where they were born. Migrations and pilgrimages are welcome here. And sometimes, there will be other inhabitants.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Refugees- illustrated & honored in poetry

“Another line of exhausted-looking men traipse past to bed down for the night.”  A photo in a Guardian (UK) article carries this sentiment. 
(After you click, page down for the photo.) 




Deportees trek back
Known by tag
Seething on a dusty track

Sunblind, dust-parched, wary of attack.

Known by teeth
Buried in the forest leaves
Unremembered by wreathes

Losing their past to maggot thieves.

Dystaken, now mistaken
Lost; blasted senses can’t awaken
Berated, hated.  Long past shaken

Wan smiles, no use in dry lips speaking.

Boiled in the centuries' cauldron water
Shivering, fleeing the slaughters 
Withering, unsonned, undaughtered

Rape served as pleasure, offered as barter

Queued in motion, shoulders gone slack -
Misfortunes drop through a gaping sieve
Frightened, picturing their village burned
Sweet hearts, fine minds are cauterized.

9/2/2011 copy 2011 Patrick Calhoun 29205

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